3D Community News | Thursday, 20 April 2023
CommonPoint - Color Analysis II Memory Colors

CommonPoint just published a free-cut-out video tutorial from their 3D Exterior Lighting Masterclass!

A few weeks ago, CommonPoint released their par excellence 3D Exterior Lighting Masterclass and today we've got a free cutout lesson from the Masterclass!

“Memory colors” is a super simple, yet highly effective and fun concept. And it goes like this: "Some colors are more important than others, and we share the understanding of them with other people".

It may sound trivial at first, but honestly, it goes deep. Like truly deep.

There's a good reason why the sky shifts toward green and magenta. And a good reason why greenery can be cold or warm. You’ll learn all about it in this free lesson.


00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:06 - Theory

Check the video now!

Lesson 06 - Color Analysis II - Memory Colors

Also, you can check all the free chapters exactly here :)

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