Contractual Information

'We' are:

RebusFarm GmbH
Montanusstr. 16
51373 Leverkusen

Phone: +49 221 - 677 829 40


Commercial register: Local Court of Cologne, HRB 70387
Managing Director: Ralph Huchtemann
VAT identification number: DE 274 017 172

We offer you the possibility to render 3D scenes using the software listed in the section 'Supported Software' by providing you with computing power from our computer network. In this way you can create one or more image files in the file formats jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, png, bmp, exr, fxr, hdr, pic, rpf, tga, vda, jcb, vst (render result) from the digital data which you made available to us when you placed the render order and which must be compatible with one of the software mentioned above.

1. Acquisition of credit

For this purpose, you have to acquire a credit first, which establishes a claim for the provision of rendering services against us. The credit is administered in 'RenderPoints' ('RP' for short) and one RenderPoint corresponds to one EUR. The number of RenderPoints required for the execution of a render order depends on the scope and complexity of the 3D scenes submitted by the customer. You can make a non-binding advance projection of the presumably required RenderPoints in the section 'Calculate Render Costs' or - for a more accurate projection - by transmitting excerpts of the 3D scene using the RebusFarm Software.

The one-time prior registration via our website is necessary for the acquisition of a credit. For this purpose, you have to complete at least the fields marked as mandatory fields in the section Registration and return the form to us by clicking on 'Register'. After that, we will send a link to the e-mail address stated by you, and you have to call up this link in order to complete the registration process. Then you can log in in the section Login using your specified user name and password.

After the login, you can acquire a credit via our website.

The acquisition of a credit is possible under 'Payments' in the section 'My Rebus'.

For this purpose, enter the number of the desired RenderPoints in der ControlCenter under 'Payments' and 'Your Cart'. We will then display the total price, including all taxes and duties in EUR or another currency, depending on the settings in your account. By clicking on 'Next' you can choose the way in which you want to pay the total price. The total price shall be paid in advance. A contract with us can only be concluded if you agree to our general terms and conditions and our right of revocation, which you have to confirm by marking the checkbox 'I have read and hereby accept the RebusFarm Terms and Conditions and the Right of Revocation'.

By selecting the payment method you will be forwarded to the payment provider where you are asked to enter the information which is necessary to execute the payment. Please follow the displayed instructions. You can change and view the data you entered by clicking on a correspondingly marked button at any time until the execution of the payment. For this purpose, you can use the navigation and entry options of your browser. The contract concerning the acquisition of the credit shall be concluded by confirmation of your payment on the website of the selected payment provider to which you are directed.

2. Confirmation of the contract

After that, we will send an automatic purchase confirmation to the e-mail address stated by you. This e-mail confirms the contract and provides you with a link to our general terms and conditions in case you wish to review them. Furthermore, it informs you about the generation of your invoice and where to view and download it, which is in your account under 'Invoices'.

This e-mail shall be provided in English language.

3. Rendering services

After the acquisition of the credit, you may assert your claim for the provision of rendering services arising from this.

For this purpose, you need a computer connected to the internet on which the operating system Windows/Mac, a legally licensed 3D software which is supported by us (see 'Supported Software') and which was used to create the digital data to be rendered as well as the RebusFarm Software are installed without errors. According to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the RebusFarm Software you have the right to use the RebusFarm Software free of charge.

If, during the execution of a render order, it should turn out that your credit is not sufficient for the completion, we will immediately inform you and give you the opportunity to acquire further credit so that you can obtain the part of the render result which is already completed and/or the execution of the render order can be continued.

If you did not yet start the render order via the RebusFarm Software but only transferred it to us, you can start it via 'My Rebus' within our website by clicking on 'play'.

In the section 'My Rebus > ControlCenter' on our website you can display the progress of the respective render orders as well as the RenderPoints which are still available.

The render result is one or more image files in the file formats jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, png, bmp, exr, fxr, hdr, pic, rpf, tga, vda, jcb, vst. The render result will be downloaded using the RebusFarm Software to a folder on your computer selected by you in advance. After the successful download of the render result, it will be irrevocably deleted if seven days have elapsed since the provision of the render result (provision period). After expiry of the period for provision, a further download is not possible, unless we agree otherwise with you before the render order is placed.

Shipping costs only incur if we shall not make the render result available to you online. This requires a prior specific agreement, also with regard to the amount of the shipping costs, so please contact us in advance in such cases.

If the subject matter of the contract is a purchase contract or a contract for work, you are entitled to the statutory warranty claims.

Apart from this, our general terms and conditions shall apply.