Ciro Sannino from Learn Corona Renderer has released a new cool tutorial about Corona Pattern, one of the new features in Chaos Corona 9 for 3DS Max!
Chaos Corona 9 has now a new modifier, called "Corona Pattern", that allows us to recreate tridimensional textures.
This new feature is simply amazing and it can be used in a vast specter of arch-viz and other branches of CGI.
Also, it makes creating fabrics and some other stuff, a breeze.
Here is the quick process, step by step:
- Start from a blanket - you can easily simulate in 3ds Max with Mass FX
- Model a single piece of fabric, then clone it to create a tridimensional texture
- Model a very small spline to use as a fur
- Apply the splines to the 3d fabric by using Chaos Scatter
- Add a Corona Pattern modifier
- Click on “Pattern node” to pick the 3d model to use as a pattern
- Crop it in order to have a tileable texture
Enjoy watching this awesome video tutorial now!
Ciro Sannino is a Chaos Academic Partner, part of the amazing group of professors running the Master MADI at the University of Venice, and a content creator. Founder of courses such as 5SRW and Realistic Interiors. On his Youtube channel Learn Corona Renderer, he is sharing tips and techniques to make your life with Corona Renderer (even much) easier.