Arch Viz Artist just released a new helpful video comparing the CPU and GPU rendering in V-Ray 6 for 3DS Max.
100% of us wondered what would happen if we had more render power, and speed... well folks, here it is - the comparison between the two paradoxes!
Although not as comprehensive as this type of task should be, but still enough to give you more than decent data about GPU rendering, what it is, how and when to use it, and most importantly, whether is it worth it!
Also, many of you people are aware that your favorite render farms also support GPU rendering, aren't you?
Follow the timestamps and check it out:
⏱️ Timestamps
0:00 Introduction to GPU Rendering
0:45 Machines specifications
2:03 CPU & GPU Rendering in V-Ray
3:17 Input parameters for testing
3:51 Render time results
5:45 Output comparison
7:18 Important notes
8:57 When it pays off to use GPU Rendering?
Enjoy watching this awesome video tutorial now!
Arch Viz Artist is dedicated to sharing knowledge of architecture, graphics, and architectural visualization.