3DAZ Studio recently released a very useful tutorial explaining UV-Mapping and Texturing in 3DS Max.
This video tutorial is the first part of a series of tutorials that cover UV-Mapping, Unwrapping, and Texturing models in 3DS Max.
We highly recommend checking it all since we will cover the entire series here on Rebus Farm.
This particular part covers three very important aspects: UV-Mapping, Baking Maps, and Texturing.
00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Tutorial Objectives
00:55 -
UV-Mapping Process
01:54 - Work-flow Strategy
03:21 - Scene Setup
05:05 - Material Editor
08:31 - Required Steps
22:12 - Radial Symmetry
26:59 - Unwrapping Process
31:16 - L0 Baking Maps
35:37 - Baked Material
36:57 - Textures Editing
40:16 - Wrapping Process
44:34 - UVW Template
47:25 - L1 Baking Maps
49:23 - Finalization
Check the video now!
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