Phoenix FD Service Pack for 3ds Max


Wednesday, June 26th, 2013 by Margarete Kitel

The Phoenix fluid dynamics tool is a great implement to simulate fire and liquids in an easy way. Now Chaos Group released the service pack Phoenix FD 2.1 with new features and updates. Phoenix FD can be now used for Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 and V-Ray 2.41. With this update bugs are fixed that occurred in the previous version. A new feature are the ocean surface tools which enable to create large scale liquid simulations, with realistic waves and more realistic foam by improved simulation of particle behaviour and shading.

A detail list of changes you can see on this file.

All customers who bought Phoenix FD between September 1st , 2011 and November 21st, 2011 get the new update for free. You can download the new service pack on the Chaos Group download page


Sample Video:

Submarine surfacing - Phoenix FD for 3ds Max