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Making Of

  • mercredi 28 juin 2023 The Making of 'Provence in France' by Rupert Johnson

    A good collection of reference images, an easy 3d modeling process, not-so-complicated materials, and a bit of color control through your frame buffer could be enough in order to create a pretty nice set of images like Zahedul Alam has done in his "Alone" project. Enjoy the article!

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  • mercredi 21 juin 2023 The Making of 'Provence in France' by Rupert Johnson

    Sometimes, just a simple corner of a house or a part of a stair can be used to create an aesthetically impressive result of design and visualization. Many 3d modeling tips, a possible way of illuminating interior scenes, and many other tricks to produce a balanced result without post-production in Photoshop. Enjoy!

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  • mardi 13 juin 2023 The Making of 'Buddhist Temple Complex' by Aleksey Karetin

    It's nice to get inspired in many ways such as scrolling down on the web and finding a beautiful image that suddenly grabs your attention. In this way, Alexander Karetin, a Ukrainian 3D artist started simulating his references to a picturesque and traditional architectural scenario. Enjoy it!

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  • mardi 6 juin 2023 The Making of 'Summer' by Anjo Joseph

    Trying to get a photorealistic shot, just like you see in real photography, is the target of Anjo's Joseph personal work called "Summer". An Indian 3D artist, well-known for his hyper-realistic efforts, gives us the opportunity to look deeper into his working tips. Enjoy the article!

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  • mardi 23 mai 2023 The Making of 'Cliff Valley' by Matej Hosek

    Let's explore an outstanding image in several moods and lighting scenarios. In this making-Of article, Matej Hosek from AsymmetricA, an architect who followed the architectural visualization field, drives us through his creative process when he works on personal projects. A general approach to image-making rather than “how to model this shape or which render settings to use”. Enjoy it!

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  • jeudi 18 mai 2023 The Making of 'Cottage House' by Nima Akbari

    Nima Akbari always tries to offer his clients the best possible results according to the timeframe he has and when it's kinda short, then lighting becomes crucial. A small, commercial, architectural visualization project with some personal touches. Enjoy the article!

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  • mercredi 10 mai 2023 The Making of 'Modernist Villa' by Radoslaw Kielak

    The Modernist Villa is one of the most beautiful ArchViz projects we've recently seen. The amount of photorealism is enormous and the photographic approach is enjoyable. If you want to learn great tips about how you can achieve such an amazing result, visit the article and enjoy whatever Radosław Kielak generously offers. Enjoy!

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  • mercredi 3 mai 2023 The Making of 'Office Building' by Roman Choudary

    When we first saw this project published on social media, our first reaction was very positive due to its lighting and color grading. Following a simple color correction workflow using Photoshop and some subtle additions in Lightroom Mobile, Rabia's Renderings team delivered a clean and super aesthetic image to its client. For more, you just need to read the article!

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  • mercredi 26 avril 2023 The Making of 'HoY Hotel' by Tom Tamayo

    When you see a peaceful interior space while scrolling around the net and a desire to represent it in 3D directly comes. This is how Tom Tamayo, a Filipino architect, and 3D artist usually reacts to find his source of inspiration, make his experiments, and improve his rendering skills. Explore this very nice making-of article and learn more about the pre-production process which is so important for a beautiful output. Enjoy!

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  • mercredi 19 avril 2023 The Making of 'Big City' by Leo Laguardia

    A personal project is always the joy of a 3D artist because of the freedom he has to work on it as he wishes. In this beautiful street 3d photography capture, Leo Laguardia, a Cuban architect, shows us how he used several tools and sources to materialize his "Big City" shot. Enjoy!

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  • mercredi 5 avril 2023 The Making of 'McLaren LT 765' by Yuri Areal

    The most common query while seeing an automotive rendering is if the background is full CGI or just an HDRI map.  Yuri kindly accepted to share with us a bit of his story, as a professional kart driver, and how he parked himself in the beautiful 3D world rendering cars. Enjoy!

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  • mercredi 29 mars 2023 The Making of 'Lockeport House' by Gustavo Schmidt

    When you're looking for some fresh air in between typical commercial projects, it's quite interesting to take a break and select your favorite topic to develop your skills. Gustavo Esser Schmidt, a Brazilian 3D artist, drives us to his own moments of experiments in a coniferous forest!

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  • mercredi 22 mars 2023 The Making of 'Private Villa' by Ahmed Nagdy

    We meet this kind of "street villas" very often on the forums. This a typical commercial type of project that many 3d artists deal with and for that reason, we asked Ahmed Nagdy to share his workflow with our community. We hope you'll find some useful information in this article. Enjoy! 

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  • mercredi 15 mars 2023

    The Making of 'Livingroom' by Jakub Stawiany

    "The Devil is in the details". With this motto in mind, the polish 3D artist Jakub Stawiany from Minimore Studio explains to us how he manages interior projects for his clients.

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  • mercredi 8 mars 2023

    The Making of 'Studio Lighting' by Amir Nabavi

    Lots of ArchViz artists have also a great passion for automotive rendering as it's a great practice to go deeper in modeling, lighting, materials, and composition techniques. In this short making-of article, Amir Nabavi explains to us the most important tips for studio lighting according to his experience which is the way he applies and textures light sources. Enjoy! 

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  • mercredi 22 février 2023 The Making of 'S GAB' by Gabriele Simonetta

    A personal, storytelling project based on street photography is something that took our attention and irritated our curiosity to learn more about it and its behind-the-scenes creative process. Gabriele Simonetta drives us through the walkthrough of his project, sharing a very interesting workflow with video examples. Don't miss it! 

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  • mercredi 15 février 2023 The Making of 'Boulogne' by Provisual Pro

    Short deadlines are something we can face very often in architectural visualization projects. Nevertheless, keeping high quality is something that definitely needs experience and a well-organized workflow. Alexander Suharukov from Provisual Pro shows us the way he handled this architectural competition in which many different companies were involved. Enjoy! 

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  • mercredi 8 février 2023 The Making of 'Spravia' by Jerzy Galus

    A project can become interesting and out of the daily routine when the client needs something special for its promotion. Jerzy Galus from VIZ.ART explains to us how after receiving a detailed brief from the client, this project turned out to be an enjoyable process

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  • mercredi 25 janvier 2023

    The Making of 'Villa Poiet' by Mauricio Lopez Villa

    As we use to say, "inspiration can be found everywhere" and once again we realized it reading that Mauricio inspired this beautiful project based on o poem written by his mother. Check his well-written making-of article and learn more about his workflow.

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  • mercredi 18 janvier 2023 The Making of 'Lamborghini Centenario' by Matt Ludwinek

    Many times, we have seen several ArchViz artists moving from architectural visualization to the automotive and VFX field. Following the same path, Matt from GPU Magic Studio based in Poland, in this informative article described to us his workflow and sources of inspiration & knowledge. Enjoy! 

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