Tuesday, November 23rd, 2021: 3D Community News 

Box of Apps - BOA Dist - A free distribution script for 3ds Max

Francisco Hermida, from Box Of Apps, has recently shared a free distribution script for 3DS Max called: "BOA Dist". A very handful script with several modes and options.

Its main features are:

  • Distribute objects on surfaces.
  • Distribute objects along splines.
  • Distribute objects on references
  • Distribute objects by painting.

You can download the BOA Dist script for free HERE!

Explore the abilities of this 3DS Max script in the videos below!

BOA Dist Distribution Modes:

BOA Dist Distribution Modes


BOA Dist Distribution Options:

BOA Dist Distribution Options


Francisco Hermida is a 3D visualizer and developer of automation tools for businesses. He started his professional life as a 3d artist with an interest in the development of tools and anything that can make repetitive tasks easier to handle every day. On this website, you can find some of the tools he has developed so far, services he offers, case studies, and articles.