Friday, June 25th, 2021: 3D Community News

RedefineFX - FREE tyFlow cloth FX course in 3DS Max

The new, totally free, tyFlow Cuda Cloth tutorial is now available only at

The concept of this course is inspired by the 2017 Nike Air Max commercial by Man Vs Machine.

tyFlow FREE Cloth FX Crash Course in 3Ds Max | RedefineFX

11 video lessons that cover much popular cloth FX Inflation, Tearing, Slicing Strings / Ropes with CUDA, particle binds, adding forces (Attract / Path Follow / Vortex / Turbulence) Soft Bodies / Curtains / Flag (Ship sails) setup, and many more.

RedefineFX is a Chaos Group Authorized Training Center, providing high-end tyFlow VFX tutorials, Phoenix FD tutorials, and comprehensive visual effects courses exclusively within 3Ds Max, rendered with Vray. Its main goal is to help 3D artists level up their 3D skills, attract more premium clients, and charge higher rates for their work.