3D Community News | 22.05.2023
Arch Viz Artist - Add wind animation to trees with GrowFX Plugin for 3ds Max

Arch Viz Artist recently released a very interesting tutorial explaining how to add wind animation to the trees using GrowFX Plugin for 3ds Max.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a wind animation to a tree model using the GrowFX plugin in 3ds Max software.

⏱️ Timestamps

00:00 Intro
00:26 GrowFX Model
00:43 Adjusting the model
00:59 Converting to GrowFX 2.0
01:08 GrowFX Basics
02:19 Adding the wind modifier
02:43 Adding wind helper
03:02 Wind helper settings
05:00 Wind modifier settings
05:48 Adding wind to other paths
06:36 Adjusting the settings
07:55 Final effect

Check the video now!

Add Wind Animation to Trees with GrowFX Plugin for 3ds Max

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