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RebusFarm News 3D Community News 3D Film News

Render Farm

  • Thursday, October 15th, 2020: RebusFarm News

    Modo 14.1v3 now supported

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  • Friday, September 18th, 2020: RebusFarm News

    Modo 14.1v2 now supported

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  • Thursday, September 17th, 2020

    International Interface

    At RebusFarm we always thrive for the the best user experience! That's why we are now offering an advanced interface for international users!

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  • Monday, September 14th, 2020: RebusFarm News

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  • Monday, September 14th, 2020

    How does a render farm work?

    A short summary of how a render farm works

    A render farm works with hundreds or even thousands of computer systems. A rendering, sent to the render farm is distributed amongst all those machines that render simultaneously which shortens the rendering time tremendously.

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  • Monday, September 14th, 2020

    What is a Render Farm?

    RebusFarm is known to support a wide variety of 3D software, render engines and plugins. Since each 3D software and renderer has its own specific features, RebusFarm made sure to offer an overview of all needed information on its website.

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  • segunda-feira, 14 setembro 2020




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  • Lundi 7 septembre 2020

    Qu'est-ce qu'une ferme de rendu ?

    Avez-vous déjà entendu le mot "render farm" ou „ferme de rendu“ et vous vous êtes demandé ce que c'était ? Cet article vous explique en détail ce qu'est une ferme de rendu et comment elle fonctionne.

    Une ferme de rendu est un système informatique / centre de données à haute performance spécialisé dans le calcul d'images de synthèse (CGI). Elle est principalement utilisée pour créer des films, des effets visuels, ainsi que des visualisations architecturales. Continuez la lecture pour une explication approfondie.

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  • Lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020

    ¿Qué es una granja de renderización?

    ¿Alguna vez oíste la palabra "granja de render" y te has preguntado qué es? En este artículo se explica en detalle, qué es una granja de servidores de renderización y cómo funciona.

    Explicado rápidamente: una granja de renderización es un sistema informático/centro de datos de alto rendimiento que está especializado en el cálculo de imágenes generadas por computadora (CGI). Se utiliza principalmente para crear películas, efectos visuales, así como, visualizaciones arquitectónicas. Continúe leyendo para obtener una explicación en profundidad.

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  • Montag, 7. September 2020

    Was ist eine Renderfarm?

    Hast Du jemals das Wort 'Renderfarm' gehört und Dich gefragt, was das ist? In diesem Artikel wird im Detail erklärt, was eine Renderfarm ist und wie sie funktioniert.

    Kurz erklärt: Eine Renderfarm ist ein Hochleistungsrechnersystem/Rechenzentrum, das auf die Berechnung von computergenerierten Bildern (CGI) spezialisiert ist. Sie wird hauptsächlich zur Erstellung von Filmen, visuellen Effekten sowie Architekturvisualisierungen verwendet. Lies weiter für eine ausführliche Erklärung.

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  • Дата: Понедельник, 7 сентября 2020 г.

    Was ist eine Renderfarm?

    Вы когда-то слышали о рендер-фермах, но точно не знаете, что это такое? В этой статье мы подробно объясним, что такое рендер-ферма и как она работает.

    Вкратце, рендер-ферма – это высокопроизводительная вычислительная система/датацентр для расчетов компьютерной графики (CGI). Главным образом она используется для создания фильмов, визуальных эффектов, а также для визуализации архитектурных проектов. Более подробно мы расскажем ниже.

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  • Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020: RebusFarm News

    Corona update to v. 6 for 3ds Max and C4D

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  • Tuesday, August 11th, 2020: RebusFarm News

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  • Friday, June 18th, 2020: RebusFarm News

    V-Ray 5 for 3ds Max now supported

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  • Monday, June 15th, 2020: RebusFarm News

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  • Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020: RebusFarm Update

    AXYZ Anima 4.0.2 update

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  • Wednesday, May 27th, 2020: RebusFarm Update

    Itoo Forest Pack and Railclone update

    The Rebus 3ds Max Render Farm has updated its Forest Pack and Railclone versions. Please note that all your jobs will use the new version for both plugins. If you have an older version, it will still work. However, we strongly recommend matching your version with ours.

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  • Tuesday, May 26th, 2020: RebusFarm Update

    Our Octane Render Farm has updated its OctaneRender version. Please note that all your jobs will use version 2020.1. If you have an older version, it will still work. However, we strongly recommend matching your version with ours.

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  • Wednesday, April 29th, 2020

    AMD Threadripper 3970x

    RebusFarm is now operating with AMD's Ryzen Threadripper 3970X - Break free from the render bar. Realize your creative vision with the world's most powerful desktop processor.

    We at RebusFarm made it our profession to always provide our users with the best technology and these Threadripper 3970X belong to the fastest high end CPUs on the market at the moment.

    Here the upgraded tech specs at a glance:

    - 32 cores / 64 Threads per node

    - CinebenchR15: 7400 points each node

    - CinebenchR20: 17450 points each node

    - Each machine with 128 GB RAM

    Click here for more information

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  • Monday, April 27th, 2020: RebusNews

    We have added support of 3ds Max 2021 starting with V-Ray Next 4.3 Update 2 (43002) and Corona 5 hotfix 1.

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