Wednesday, January 12th, 2022: 3D Community News 

Glukoz - UVPackmaster 3 - GPU Accelerated Script for Blender

Glukoz has released the latest version of UVPackmaster 3 for blender, which is a GPU accelerated scriptable UV packing engine.

Some of the features of this amazing script are:

  • New scriptable architecture, which is designed for maximum flexibility because of embedded python.
  • Packing thousands of UV islands in Seconds on the CPU.
  • Ability to split UV islands into many numbers of named groups.
  • Scale limit with less priority.
  • Search for the optimum dense packing.
  • Lock UV stacking.
  • Assigns arbitrary.
  • Pack single UV map to many tiles.
  • And many more.

We encourage you to watch this 2-minutes demo exploring all the tool’s features.

UVPackmaster 3 for Blender - GPU-accelerated, scriptable UV packing engine


You can get UVPackmaster 3, from GUMROAD or BLENDER MARKET starting from a single user for  $39, small studio (2-5 Users) for $119, and $199 for  6-10 users.