Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022: 3D Community News 

D5 Render - Second Challenge “DISTANCE”

D5 Render has recently launched its 2nd Challenge called: “Distance, how far would you go!”

This time, the challenge is about how social distancing has been a barrier to our dream destination and to our loved ones.

However, it’s trying to unleash both imagination and creativity. With the help of D5 Render, create your own vision, from historical landmarks, dreamy bedroom, your hometown village, or future fantasy “The world is your oyster”.

The prizes are divided into 6 categories with a pool over 19,000 USD:

  • Grand Prize (x1), 4600 USD, one-year subscription to D5 Pro, 1000 D5 Grains 86, D5 user interview.
  • 1st Place (x2): 2300 USD, one-year subscription to D5 Pro, 900 D5 Grains, D5 user interview.
  • 2nd Place (x5): 900 USD, one-year subscription to D5 Pro, 800 D5 Grains.
  • 3rd Place (x5): a one-year subscription to D5 Pro, 700 D5 Grains.
  • Forum Choice Award (x2): a one-year subscription to D5 Pro, 600 D5 Grains.
  • SNS Influencer Award (x7): one-month subscription to D5 Pro, 500 D5 Grains.

Some of the Guiding rules are:

  • Brief self-introduction.
  • Your entry description.
  • Location of your scene and the distance between it and where you are.
  • YouTube link to your entry video

Visit this LINK to learn more about the challenge.


Enjoy watching the “DISTANCE” challenge teaser below:

D5 Render Challenge II : DISTANCE  | Cash prize awaits


D5 Render is offered with three types of subscriptions. Community Free, Pro 360USD/year and monthly for 38 USD. You can try it HERE for free.

D5 Render is an intuitive tool for a fully immersive real-time experience for interior design, landscape, and other 3D renderings. Import your models and Real-time results and get support for all popular 3D software like 3Ds MAX, SketchUp, Rhino, Cinema 4D, Revit, ARCHICAD, and Blender.