The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Wednesday, 08 May 2024 by Anna Maria Kaminska | 읽기 시간: 3 분

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Anna Maria Kaminska, a visual artist who focuses on creating beautiful visuals, decides to use AI tools to enhance her creativity. She believes imagination is essential, and AI can advance her creations. Enjoy this making of article for Peony House!

About me.

Hello 3D Society,

My name is Anna Maria Kaminska; I am Polish and living in Norway.

For more than 10 years, I have been working in visual creation, from illustration to 3D rendering, at Studio.

For me, the most important thing is the presentation of the object. What feeling and mood can we create with a specific style?

I am working with many tools to achieve the best results possible. I have been trying to find myself among AI tools because we cannot deny it anymore—it is here.

And actually, everything that brings our imagination to another level is good, right?

Imagination is more powerful than logic. Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. So here we go!

Full rendered shot of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Software Used.

For this project, I used the following software and plugins:
3ds Max, Chaos CosmosCorona Render, ItooSoftware ForestPack, Adobe Photoshop, Quixel Megascans, Chaos Scatter, and Stable diffusion for the flowers.

About The Project.

This is my personal project, created just to enjoy pretty 3D space. I hope you will enjoy it!

Thank you VWArtclub for promoting my work in TOP5, and thank you RebusFarm for sharing the making of this project.

Rendered view of the back of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska


There is no particular source of inspiration. I am always into many different images, photography, and drawings, but I am always the most into nature.


Plane and object (in this case, a simple house) is my first verification of what I need next.

Work in progress of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Chaos Cosmos Library and Quixel Megascans are my space of looking for what I need and what will inspire me to make the project alive.

Detail shot of the work in progress of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

I wanted to make flowers the main hero of the scene, and I used them from Chaos Cosmos.

Flower selection from the Chaos Cosmos for ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Super simple change of colors:

Detail shot of how the colors are changed for ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

Of course, it would be much more perfect to do it in Photoshop, but I knew I would use AI anyway in that step, so I just saved time.

In the end, I put in a lot of plants, which always relaxes me. :) I should be a gardener in my next life!

Editing 3D view of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska


In this case, it is Corona Sky and Sun.

Sun and Sky with Chaos Corona for 3ds Max

Stable Diffusion.

I saw it on one of my favorite channels before I started testing.

Get Better Results With Ai by Using Stable Diffusion For Your Arch Viz Projects!

I was inspired actually to try SD to make this change:

Changes via stable diffusion of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

I also had some fun with AI from picture to movie, but the results were not excellent, showing as an inspiration:

Peony House

Final Images.

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska

The Making of ''Peony House'' by Anna Maria Kaminska


I hope you have enjoyed this article. You can follow me through the links below!

Kind regards,

Anna Maria.

profile photo of Anna Maria Kaminska

About the artist

Anna Maria Kaminska is a Polish 3d artist living in Norway.  For more than 10 years, she has been working in visual creation, from illustration to 3D rendering, at Studio. For her, the most important thing is the presentation of the object. What feeling and mood can she create with a specific style?

Artist Website Artist Behance Artist Instagram Artist Facebook

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